I've been trying to do a Userform that has 28 TextBoxes which one half of the TextBoxes are inputs for Range("J7:J20") and the other half is for Range("K7:K20"). However, the input does not show up in the Cells. Here is the code, I would appreciate any help or advice, thank you.
Private Sub ApplyButton_Click()
For i = 1 To 20
For j = 1 To 27 Step 2
Sheet1.Range("J" & CStr(i + 6)).Value = Me.Controls("TextBox" & CStr(j)).Value
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub ApplyButton_Click()
Dim c As long, r As long, s As String
' J7:K20 Textbox1=J7 Textbox2=K7
For r = 0 To 13
For c = 1 To 2
s = "TextBox" & r * 2 + c
Sheet1.Cells(r + 7, c + 9).Value = Me.Controls(s).Value
End Sub