I have a list of MyObjects like this
ID | Type | Description |
1 | Summary | |
1 | Detail | keep this group |
1 | Detail | keep this group |
2 | Summary | |
2 | Detail | don't keep this group |
2 | Detail | don't keep this group |
I'd like to group the list by ID and filter out the groups that do not contain any Descriptions with "keep this group" as the value.
Below is what I have tried
Map<String, List<MyObject>> output =
Collectors.filtering(x -> x.getDescription().equals("keep this group"),
This does not really work thought. It creates the groups and removes all elements without "keep this group"
So group 1 has 2 elements and group 2 has 0 elements
I'd like to completely reject group 2 and keep all elements in group 1
I have not tested code. It will remove group which does not have any object description equals "keep this group".
Map<String, List<MyObject>> output =
.filter(e-> e.getValue().stream().filter(o->o.getDescription().equals("keep this group")).count()>0)
.collect(Colletors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));