I can implement an adjacency list as either an Array of Linked Lists, or as a Map of Linked Lists (ie. a Hash Table). Is there ever a reason to use the Array implementation over the Map implementation? I ask because I have come across many websites that describe the Array implementation, but very few that mention using Hash Tables. From what I understand, HashTables should outperform Arrays.
Below is how I would code the Hash Table based Adjacency List along with the relevant code for helper classes.
class LinkedListNode {
constructor(value = 0, next = undefined) {
this.value = value;
this.next = next;
LinkedList.js (removed unnecessary functions)
class LinkedList {
constructor(headValue = null) {
this.head = headValue ? new LinkedListNode(headValue) : headValue;
addToTail(value) {
const node = new LinkedListNode(value);
if (!this.head) {
this.head = node;
} else {
let pointer = this.head;
while (pointer.next) {
pointer = pointer.next;
pointer.next = node;
toArray() {
const items = [];
let pointer = this.head;
while (pointer) {
pointer = pointer.next;
return items;
HashTable.js - we are assuming no collisions
class HashTable {
constructor() {
this.items = {};
set(key, value) {
if (this.items[key]) {
} else {
this.items[key] = new LinkedList(value);
get(key) {
return this.items[key];
print() {
const entries = Object.entries(this.items);
for (let i = 0; i < entries.length; i += 1) {
const [key, list] = entries[i];
console.log(`${key}: ${list.toArray()}`);
const adjacencyList = new HashTable();
adjacencyList.set(1, 2);
adjacencyList.set(2, 4);
adjacencyList.set(3, 1);
adjacencyList.set(3, 2);
adjacencyList.set(3, 5);
adjacencyList.set(4, 6);
adjacencyList.set(5, 2);
adjacencyList.set(5, 4);
adjacencyList.set(5, 6);
adjacencyList.set(6, null);
// Outputs
'1: 2'
'2: 4'
'3: 1,2,5'
'4: 6'
'5: 2,4,6'
'6: '
Is there ever a reason to use the Array implementation over the Map implementation?
In that case, the "hash" is the index in the array. Some JavaScript engines may produce faster code for when you work with arrays instead of plain objects.
NB: it will certainly be faster if you replace the linked lists with arrays (and push