For example I have a BitSet BitSet x = new BitSet(32);
and I set bit 3 x.set(2, true);
Is there anyways to do a logical shift like x << someAmount;
that pads with 0's?
Here is how you would shift them right and left 8
BitSet bits = new BitSet();
System.out.println("unshifted:" + bits);
System.out.println("right shift: " + shift(bits, 8));
System.out.println("left shift: " + shift(bits,-8));
unshifted: {10, 30}
right shift: {18, 38}
left shift: {2, 22}
Here is the method
public static BitSet shift(BitSet bitset, int shiftAmount) {
BitSet b = new BitSet(); -> bitPos + shiftAmount)
.dropWhile(bitPos -> bitPos < 0)
.forEach(bitPos -> b.set(bitPos));
return b;
Note the a BitSet is oriented starting with 1,2,4,8 which is opposite of a normal binary number. Also note that in the above left shifted bits will lose trailing zeros. Right shifted will gain padded ones on the left.