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Firestore add data over an object within a document's data REACT.JS

I want to add some data on the bookChapters object, like a random id and inside of it the name of the chapters, I tried this but it doesn't work, after I add the previous data I also want to add a new object "takeAways", like the previous one, inside the random id object.

enter image description here

export const createNewChapter = (bookId, inputText) => {
  return async dispatch => {
    try {
        .onSnapshot(querySnapshot => {
          //There I want to add the chapters to the firestore database
    } catch (error) {


  • I wanna know how to do add from scratch the bookChapters object

    The database screenshot shows that the bookChapters object is a map. So to add (populate) this object you need to generate a simple JavaScript object with some properties as “key: value” pairs.

    Something along these lines, making the assumption the chapter titles are in an Array:

      function arrayToObject(arr) {
        var obj = {};
        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) {
          obj[i] = arr[i];
        return obj;
      const chapterList = ['Intro', 'Chapter 1', 'Chapter2', 'Conclusion'];
      const bookChaptersObj = arrayToObject(chapterList);

    Or, if the document does not already exist:

    firebase.firestore().doc(`Users/${bookId}`).set(bookChaptersObj, {merge: true});