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what would be a better approach to only initialize a service once all databases are succesfully connected

I am having a problem where a service needs to connect to three databases using MySQL pools, I only want to start the service once all the databases are successfully connected, I came up with an approach that works, but I'm quite sure that it could be done better as the current one I feel is a bit over complicated, so any input, or a pointer to a design pattern would be greatly appreciated.

here is the code in my database class:

module.exports = class DB {
// this is making the constructor async as I couldn't think of another way
// because we don't want to start the service until we make sure that we're connected to the 
// database, the constructor then resolves to an instance of the class, so when initilizing a class
// we need to await to get back the instance.
constructor() {
    return (async () => {
        this.retries = 0;
        await this.initialize();
        return this;


async initialize() {"initialzing database connections");

    this.db = mysql.createPool(config.get('db'));
    this.db.asyncQuery = util.promisify(this.db.query);

    this.statisticsDb = mysql.createPool(config.get('statisticsDb'));

    this.provisioningDb = mysql.createPool(config.get('provisioningDb'));

    const success = await this.testConnections();

    // retry up to 4 times, if all of them fail we will shutdown the process.
    while (this.retries <= 4) {
        if (success) break;

        if (this.retries > 3) {
            Logger.error(`Error connecting to one of the databases pools, number of retries is ${this.retries}, will exit`);
        logger.error(`Error connecting to one of the databases pools, number of retries is ${this.retries}, will retry in 2 seconds`)
        // this basically pauses excution for 2 seconds.
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
        await this.initialize();

 * Tries to get a connection from each pool, if one of the connections fail, it resolves to false
 * otherwise it resolves to true
async testConnections() {

    const isMainConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.db, 'main');
    const isStatisticsConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.statisticsDb, 'statistics');
    const isprovisioningConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.provisioningDb, 'provisioning');

    if (isMainConnected.connected && isStatisticsConnected.connected && isprovisioningConnected.connected) {
        this.retries = 0;'All databases successfully connected.')
        return true;

    return false;

 * Given a mysql pool, tests if the pool is connected successfully.
 * @param {mysql.Pool} dbPoolInstance the mysql pool we want to test
 * @param {string} dbName the name of the pool for logging purposes
 * @returns resolves to an object, either with error property if there was an error or a connected property if pool is working.
async testDatabasePoolConnection(dbPoolInstance, dbName) {
    try {
        dbPoolInstance.asyncQuery = util.promisify(dbPoolInstance.query);
        let testQuery = 'SELECT id FROM test LIMIT 1';
        await dbPoolInstance.asyncQuery(testQuery);`${dbName} database successfully connected`);
        return { connected: true }
    } catch (e) {
        logger.error(`${dbName} database connection failed, Error: ${e}`);
        return { error: e };

and here is the index.js file (simplified):


async function initalize() {
    try {
        const db = await new DB()

        await cleanUpSomeData(db);

        new Server(db);

} catch (e) {
    Logger.error(`Error while trying to intialize the service ${JSON.stringify(e)}, will shutdown the service`);



  • You could split retry logic from database logic. Create a generic async retry function which reruns a given function until it returns true OR n retries are reached. Example:

    const asyncRetry = async (fn, retries) => {
        // for logging..
        let retriesLeft = retries
        do {
            console.log('retries left:', retriesLeft)
            try {
                let result = fn()
                // wait for promises  if it is one..
                if(result && typeof result.then === 'function') {
                    if(await result) {
                        return true
                } else if(result) {
                    return true
            } catch(err) {
        } while(retriesLeft > 0)
        console.log('Still Failed after ' + (retries+1) + ' attempts')
        return false

    With this helper you can simplify your DB class and apply retriying from the outside what it makes more clear in my opinion. Could look as follows:

    module.exports = class DB {
        constructor() {
            // constructor is empty. Call initialize() after from 
            // the outside and not in the constructor.
        async initialize() {
  "initialzing database connections");
            this.db = mysql.createPool(config.get('db'));
            this.db.asyncQuery = util.promisify(this.db.query);
            this.statisticsDb = mysql.createPool(config.get('statisticsDb'));
            this.provisioningDb = mysql.createPool(config.get('provisioningDb'));
            // return result directly!
            return await this.testConnections();
        async testConnections() {
            const isMainConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.db, 'main');
            const isStatisticsConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.statisticsDb, 'statistics');
            const isprovisioningConnected = await this.testDatabasePoolConnection(this.provisioningDb, 'provisioning');
            if (isMainConnected.connected && isStatisticsConnected.connected && isprovisioningConnected.connected) {
      'All databases successfully connected.')
                return true;
            return false;
         * Given a mysql pool, tests if the pool is connected successfully.
         * @param {mysql.Pool} dbPoolInstance the mysql pool we want to test
         * @param {string} dbName the name of the pool for logging purposes
         * @returns resolves to an object, either with error property if there was an error or a connected property if pool is working.
        async testDatabasePoolConnection(dbPoolInstance, dbName) {
            try {
                dbPoolInstance.asyncQuery = util.promisify(dbPoolInstance.query);
                let testQuery = 'SELECT id FROM test LIMIT 1';
                await dbPoolInstance.asyncQuery(testQuery);
      `${dbName} database successfully connected`);
                return { connected: true }
            } catch (e) {
                logger.error(`${dbName} database connection failed, Error: ${e}`);
                return { error: e };

    And your final call would look like this:

    async function initalize(retries) {
        await cleanUpSomeData(db);
        const success = await asyncRetry(() => {
            return db.testConnections()
        }, retries)
        if(success) {
            Logger.log('database successfully connected')
        } else {
            Logger.error('failed to connect to database')
        await cleanUpSomeData(db);
        new Server(db);
    } catch (e) {
        Logger.error(`Error while trying to intialize the service ${JSON.stringify(e)}, will shutdown the service`);
    // try connecting with a maximum of 5 retries (6 attempts at all) 

    The timeout between connections can be implemented within asyncRetry() with another parameter timeout for example.

    Let me know if something is unclear.