I have a web app in docker container that i want to deploy in google cloud, and I am following this documentation to deploy my app https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/tutorials/hello-app#exposing_the_sample_app_to_the_internet.
This particular step to expose the app using load balancer works and it gives a public ip and I am able to access my app as well. But the problem is I want to use a domain for this app with https. The loadbalancer that got deployed is a TCP loadbalancer.
Playing around with the loadbalancer settings in the console I see Https Loadbalancer has an option to attach ssl certificate. But I couldnt find a way to expose my app to this HTTPs loadbalancer. Are there any step by step documentation tutorials to do this ? Is this possible with a TCP loadbalancer too i.e an https web app ?
For detailed step by step documentation you can refer to this link
Configuring Ingress for external load balancing
Steps summary are:
See below links for other document reference. Below sites will help you on the other areas using SSL Certficates. GKE load balancing and TCP Configuration.
Using Google-managed SSL certificates
SSL certificates with Kubernetes Engine, see HTTP(S) Load Balancing with Ingress
Configuring TCP/UDP Load Balancing