I'm having an issue where the rapidjson library appears to be inconsistent as to when it reports IsObject()
as true
Sometimes when I call value.IsObject()
after retrieving a Value
from a Document
, it correctly reports it as an Object
. But sometimes it reports what I think should be an Object
as not an Object
A toy program is below.
It seems I am unintentionally mutating the document somehow, as the 2nd lookup for vegetables::celery
remarkably fails.
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace rapidjson;
int getInt(Document& jsonDoc, const char* propertyName)
if (!jsonDoc.IsObject()) {
puts("Err: jsonDoc not an object");
return 0;
char* str = strdup(propertyName);
char* p = strtok(str, ":");
printf("Looking for property `%s`\n", p);
if (!jsonDoc.HasMember(p))
printf(" - Error: %s not found, property %s\n", p, propertyName);
return 0;
printf(" - found property '%s'\n", p);
rapidjson::Value& v = jsonDoc[p];
while (p = strtok(0, ":"))
printf("Looking for property `%s`\n", p);
if (v.IsObject())
puts(" - v is an object so I can look");
printf(" - ERROR: v is NOT an object, I can't search for %s, property %s not found\n", p, propertyName);
return 0;
if (!v.HasMember(p))
printf(" - Error while digging: %s not found, property %s\n", p, propertyName);
return 0;
printf(" - found property '%s'\n", p);
// otherwise,
v = v[p]; // advance deeper into the tree
int val = v.GetInt();
printf(" - json got value %s=%d\n", propertyName, val);
return val;
void test1()
const char* json = R"STR({
Document d;
int apples = getInt(d, "fruits::apples");
int oranges = getInt(d, "fruits::oranges");
int bananas = getInt(d, "fruits::bananas");
int celery = getInt(d, "vegetables::celery");
celery = getInt(d, "vegetables::celery");
int cabbage = getInt(d, "vegetables::cabbage");
int main()
return 0;
Two issues here.
First and main:
rapidjson::Value& v = jsonDoc[p];
v = v[p];
Since v is not a variable, but a reference, you don't set it to a new object, but change the original object it references to, damaging it.
Use rapidjson
library Pointers if you need to change the object beneath or you can use a trick like here:
rapidjson::Value* v = &(jsonDoc[p]);
v = &(*v)[p];
In some returns in if-else you have the memory leak with str
, you free it only at the end of the function.