I have the following FluentValidation extension method for validating phone numbers:
public static IRuleBuilderOptions<T, string> MatchPhoneNumber<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, string> rule)
=> rule.Matches(@"^(1-)?\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$").WithMessage("Invalid phone number");
Which I call:
RuleFor(contact => contact.PhoneNumber).MatchPhoneNumber()
However, I only want the extension method to validate the phone number when the phone number string is not null/empty. I can do this by doing the following:
RuleFor(contact => contact.PhoneNumber)
.When(contact => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.PhoneNumber));
but is there a way I can do this in the extension method itself?
You can change your Regex to accept also empty strings like this:
However, I have tried the latest version of FluentValidation (10.3.3) and it does NOT give any error if you pass a null or empty string to the Matches
rule. In my example code here, I don't get any error in the result, despite PhoneNumber being Null:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var contact = new Contact();
var contactValidator = new ContactValidator();
var result = contactValidator.Validate(contact);
Console.WriteLine(result.IsValid); // This returns true with null phone number
public class Contact
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public class ContactValidator : AbstractValidator<Contact>
public ContactValidator()
RuleFor(contact => contact.PhoneNumber)
public static class Extensions
public static IRuleBuilderOptions<T, string> MatchPhoneNumber<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, string> rule)
=> rule.Matches(@"^(1-)?\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}$").WithMessage("Invalid phone number");
Are you using a different way to define your validator?