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Troubleshooting Retry With Multiple Conditions

I currently have the below retry statement:

* retry until karate.xmlPath(response, '//ResultCount') == 1 && karate.xmlPath(response, '//Code') == 0

If the retry fails, this message is printed: 'too many retry attempts: 10'

The issue we are facing is: we can't tell which part of the retry condition failed. Does anyone have any suggestions? Any help is appreciated!

Few things I have tried:

  • I can't add a print statement for the ResultCount and Code because it won't print if the retry fails, which makes sense because it's failing at the soap action
  • I tried separating the && into two distinct lines, but that did not help, see below:
* retry until karate.xmlPath(response, '//ResultCount') == 1
* retry until && karate.xmlPath(response, '//Code') == 0

Even though the first condition passed and the second failed, the report shows the failure at the soap action, so I still cannot tell which condition failed:

[passed] >> * retry until karate.xmlPath(response, '//ResultCount') >= 1

[passed] >> * retry until karate.xmlPath(response, '//Code') == 0 [it actually failed here]

[failed] >> * soap action 'http://mywebservice' too many retry attempts: 5


  • My suggestion is define a function - and then use that, so it helps break down things and debug. Also I'm showing an alternate possibly more robust way to grab the response. For example:

    * def isValid =
    function() {
      var resp = karate.get('response');
      karate.log('testing response:', resp);
      return karate.xmlPath(resp, '//ResultCount') == 1;
    # some code
    * retry until isValid()

    Also refer to this answer for more ideas: