I'm trying to mock a Teaser class (public interface) using mockito core 3.8 and I'm not able to do it.
I've JAVA 11 and this is the following error:
Mockito cannot mock this class: interface com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.models.Teaser.
Mockito can only mock non-private & non-final classes.
If you're not sure why you're getting this error, please report to the mailing list.
Java : 11
JVM vendor name : Oracle Corporation
JVM vendor version : 11.0.12+8-LTS-237
JVM name : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
JVM version : 11.0.12+8-LTS-237
JVM info : mixed mode
OS name : Windows 10
OS version : 10.0
Underlying exception : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Type not found: com.adobe.cq.wcm.core.components.internal.jackson.ComponentDataModelSerializer
What's happening here?
I finally got a solution for this. The problem was that I didn't had wcm core components dependency on my project. Since AEMaaCS includes that dependency as a package, we didn't need to include the dependency in our project.
I ended up adding the dependency but just for the scope=test.