I tried to store Eclipse Collection's LongArrayList (https://www.eclipse.org/collections/) with Microstream, but due to it's "items" field being transient this didn't work out of the box.
So what I did was to create a new class PersistableLongArrayList like this:
public class PersistableLongArrayList extends LongArrayList {
static BinaryTypeHandler<PersistableLongArrayList> provideTypeHandler() {
return Binary.TypeHandler(PersistableLongArrayList.class,
list -> list.size,
(list, value) -> list.size = value
long[].class, "items",
list -> list.items,
(list, value) -> list.items = value
The items field is now not null when loaded from a stored instance, however if I change the value afterwards and call storage.store(list), shutdown the db and restart it the new value is not stored, only size is stored correctly.
I've added a very simple example that shows this behavior:
public class SimpleTest {
private PersistableLongArrayList root;
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
SimpleTest t = new SimpleTest();
// DB erstellen
EmbeddedStorageManager storage = t.startDB();
// modify the list
t.root.add(t.root.size() + 1);
// stop DB
// restart DB
storage = t.startDB();
// show root element
// Observed behavior: list "grows" from s.th. like this: [1] to s.th. like this [1, 0, 0, 0] after several runs (Probably only size grows and is stored correctly and therefore the fields up to "size" are printed but empty)
// Expected beahvior: list starts with [1] and grows to something like this [1, 2, 3, 4] after several runs
} catch (Throwable t) {
} finally {
private EmbeddedStorageManager startDB() {
EmbeddedStorageManager storageManager = EmbeddedStorage.start();
if(storageManager.root() == null) {
PersistableLongArrayList list = new PersistableLongArrayList();
root = list;
} else {
root = (PersistableLongArrayList)storageManager.root();
return storageManager;
private void stopDB(EmbeddedStorageManager storageManager) {
Probably I just misunderstood how to use the custom BinaryHandler correctly, but I have no idea what to change right now. Any advice is appreciated :)
Kind regards, Thomas
Using a custom PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluator and PersistenceFieldEvaluator it is possible to persist the LongArrayList directly:
public class PersistenceFieldEvaluatorCustom implements PersistenceFieldEvaluator {
public boolean applies(final Class<?> entityType, final Field field) {
//return true if field should be persisted, false if not
if(entityType == org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.LongArrayList.class && field.getName().equals("items")) {
return true;
//default: return false if field has the transient modifier
return !XReflect.isTransient(field);
public class PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluatorCustom implements PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluator {
public boolean isEagerStoring(final Class<?> t, final Field u) {
//return true if field should be persisted at every store
if(t == org.eclipse.collections.impl.list.mutable.primitive.LongArrayList.class && u.getName().equals("items")) {
return true;
return false;
final EmbeddedStorageManager s = EmbeddedStorage.Foundation()
c->{ c.setFieldEvaluatorPersistable(new PersistenceFieldEvaluatorCustom());
c.setReferenceFieldEagerEvaluator(new PersistenceEagerStoringFieldEvaluatorCustom());
best regards
see https://github.com/microstream-one/microstream/discussions/247 for some more details