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How to assign values from an API call to a variable in flutter

I have the following method which is use dto verify a ticket/token

    var ticketArray = ticket.split('|');
    //First check to verify token using simple versification algo
    if (widget.eventID.toString() != (ticketArray[0])) {
      setState(() {
        ticketMainMsg = 'This QR code is NOT VALID';
        ticketsubtitle = ticketArray.length != 2
            ? 'The QR code is fake'
            : 'QR code could belong to another event';
        ticketStatus = false;
    //Make API call
    ticketModel = HttpVerifyTicketPost(
      eventId: widget.eventID,
      ticket: ticket,
      scannerId: widget.scannerId,

From above, you can see I do a very simple check on the qr code/token if this simple step fails, I don't bother making an API call and I set the state based on these values.

However if the check passes, then I proceed to make an API call to the server to fully verify the token/code.

My issue is I am struggling to now assign the values from the API call to the ticketStatus, ticketMainMsgand ticketsubtitle parameters. Can anyone helo shed some light. I am quite new to flutter but I am aware that the TicketModel will be a type of Future. My background is PHP so forgive me!

EDIT: The httpVerifyTicket Class

class HttpVerifyTicketPost {
  String ticket;
  int someId;
  int anotherId;

      {required this.ticket, required this.someId, required this.anotherId});

  String verifyURL =

  Future<TicketModel> verifyTicket() async {
    var storage = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
    var code= storage.getString('code');

    var client = http.Client();
    var ticketModel = null;

    var body = {
      'ticket': ticket,
      'scanner': scannerCode,
      'someId': someId,
      'anotherId': anotherId

    try {
      var url = Uri.parse(verifyURL);
      var res = await, body: jsonEncode(body));
      if (res.statusCode == 200) {
        var jsonString = res.body;
        var jsonMap = json.decode(jsonString);
        ticketModel = TicketModel.fromJson(jsonMap);
      return ticketModel;
    } catch (Exception) {
      return ticketModel;


  • Try this please

              eventId: widget.eventID,
              ticket: ticket,
              scannerId: widget.scannerId,
            ).verifyTicket().then((value){setState(() {