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How to make a post file using nested getStaticPaths in a category using getStaticPaths? (Using API)

[Next.js] Using Headless CMS WordPress and the plugin [WPGraphQL], I was able to create a list of categories by calling the API in getStaticPaths.


The following getStaticPaths are described in [slug].tsx

export async function getStaticPaths () {
  const allPosts = await GET_ALL_CATEGORIRS_SLUG ();
  return {
    paths: paths: (({node}) => `/category/${node.slug}`) ||
    fallback: true,

The following getStaticPaths are described in [pageNo].tsx

export async function getStaticPaths() {
  const totalCount = await GET_TOTAL_POST_COUNT(currentCategorySlug);
  const totalPostsCount = ?? 0;

  const pagesCount = Math.ceil(
    (totalPostsCount - PER_PAGE_FIRST) / PER_PAGE_REST + 1

  const paths = new Array(pagesCount).fill("").map((_, index) => ({
    params: {
      pageNo: (index + 1).toString(),

  return {
    paths: [...paths],
    fallback: true,

However, this does not work unless the currentCategorySlug is clear.

How can I get the current parent category?

I can't use useRouter here, so please let me know if there is a way to get the currentCategorySlug or something else. Or do you use useRouter somewhere?


  • It's a little rough code, but I've solved it, so I'll describe it.

    export async function getStaticPaths() {
      const allCategoryAndPosts = await GET_ALL_CATEGORY_AND_POSTS();
      var paths = new Array();{ node }) => {
        const totalPostsCount = ?? 0;
        const pagesCount = Math.ceil(
          (totalPostsCount - PER_PAGE_FIRST) / PER_PAGE_REST + 1
        for (let index = 1; index <= pagesCount; index++) {
          paths.push(`/category/${node.slug}/page/${index}` || []);
      return {
        paths: [...paths],
        fallback: true,