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Error when deploying by USB to Hololens 1 after build using Unity

I am trying to deploy and run Hololens 1 app to the device by USB with Unity.

I follow this tutorial (and many more on YouTube before it):

I even tried to use two difference Hololens 1 devices! (But I only used one cable)

Unity version: 2020.3.13f1

When I plug the Hololens to the PC I am hearing the sound of window when something connected (But can't see the storage of the Hololens after connecting) and the Hololens are being charged.

I on developer mode in the windows and on the Hololens. I paired the Hololens with the correct pin code from the Visual Studio.

enter image description here


Creating a new clean layout...
Copying files: Total 75 mb to layout...
Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
Registering the application to run from layout...
RemoteCommandException: AppxManifest.xml(43,6): error 0x80070002: Cannot map the gazeinput well-known device name to a device interface GUID for the Template3D_1.0.0.0_x86__pzq3xp76mxafg package. Check that the device name is correct.

DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80004005] Failed to register through new deployment pipeline.
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
DEP6953: Failed to launch remote debugger with the following error: 'Command failed: 0x80270254'.

I have no idea what to try next. I don't understand the error and where is comes from. I think that it probably windows can't send to the device or get into the storage of the device for some reason.



  • Unity 2020 does not support targeting HoloLens (1st gen). These headsets remain supported in Unity 2019 LTS with Legacy Built-in XR for the full lifecycle of Unity 2019 LTS through mid-2022. So, it is recommended to go back to a previous version of the Unity(2019LTS) and Legacy XR pipeline. For more detail, please refer to this link: Choosing a Unity version and XR plugin