I am trying to deploy and run Hololens 1 app to the device by USB with Unity.
I follow this tutorial (and many more on YouTube before it): https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/unity/tutorials/mr-learning-base-02?tabs=openxr
I even tried to use two difference Hololens 1 devices! (But I only used one cable)
Unity version: 2020.3.13f1
When I plug the Hololens to the PC I am hearing the sound of window when something connected (But can't see the storage of the Hololens after connecting) and the Hololens are being charged.
I on developer mode in the windows and on the Hololens. I paired the Hololens with the correct pin code from the Visual Studio.
Creating a new clean layout...
Copying files: Total 75 mb to layout...
Checking whether required frameworks are installed...
Registering the application to run from layout...
RemoteCommandException: AppxManifest.xml(43,6): error 0x80070002: Cannot map the gazeinput well-known device name to a device interface GUID for the Template3D_1.0.0.0_x86__pzq3xp76mxafg package. Check that the device name is correct.
DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80004005] Failed to register through new deployment pipeline.
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
DEP6953: Failed to launch remote debugger with the following error: 'Command failed: 0x80270254'.
I have no idea what to try next. I don't understand the error and where is comes from. I think that it probably windows can't send to the device or get into the storage of the device for some reason.
Unity 2020 does not support targeting HoloLens (1st gen). These headsets remain supported in Unity 2019 LTS with Legacy Built-in XR for the full lifecycle of Unity 2019 LTS through mid-2022. So, it is recommended to go back to a previous version of the Unity(2019LTS) and Legacy XR pipeline. For more detail, please refer to this link: Choosing a Unity version and XR plugin