I want to store Zk4500 fingerprint template in k50 biometric attendance machine . I am using java for zk4000 scanner and python for communicating with attendance machine(k 50).
public void onAccept(){
if (count == 1){
fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
if (count == 2){
fingerPrintTemplateForDB2 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
count = 1;
I am trying to store this template in fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
from zk import ZK, const
from zk.finger import Finger
conn = None
zk = ZK('', port=4370, timeout=5, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False)
conn = zk.connect()
conn.set_user(uid=6, name='ahmed f', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='6', card=0)
fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = "Template from Zk45000"
Myfinger = {
"uid": 6,
"fid": 6,
"valid": 1,
'template': fingerPrintTemplateForDB1
users = conn.get_users()
for user in users:
if user.user_id == "3":
conn.save_user_template(user, [ Finger.json_unpack(Myfinger)])
I think the main issue is in Finger print object In python :
from struct import pack #, unpack
import codecs
class Finger(object):
def __init__(self, uid, fid, valid, template):
self.size = len(template) # template only
self.uid = int(uid)
self.fid = int(fid)
self.valid = int(valid)
self.template = template
#self.mark = str().encode("hex")
self.mark = codecs.encode(template[:8], 'hex') + b'...' + codecs.encode(template[-8:], 'hex')
def repack(self): #full
return pack("HHbb%is" % (self.size), self.size+6, self.uid, self.fid, self.valid, self.template)
def repack_only(self): #only template
return pack("H%is" % (self.size), self.size, self.template)
def json_unpack(json):
return Finger(
def json_pack(self): #packs for json
return {
"size": self.size,
"uid": self.uid,
"fid": self.fid,
"valid": self.valid,
"template": codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex').decode('ascii')
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
def __str__(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)
def dump(self):
return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex'))
But nothing is working Can anyone have an idea .
I am using this unofficial library
pip install -U pyzk
i found a solution the main problem was k50 was using ZkFingerprint10.0 algorithm and zk4500 was using algorithm ZkFingerprint9.0 by updating drivers of zk4500 from website https://www.zkteco.com/en/product_detail/ZKFinger-SDK-Windows.html
(not from CD) to latest version....problem was solved