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I want to store Zk4500 fingerprint reader template in k50 biometric attendance machine both are from zktecho

I want to store Zk4500 fingerprint template in k50 biometric attendance machine . I am using java for zk4000 scanner and python for communicating with attendance machine(k 50).

public void onAccept(){
    if (count == 1){

        fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);

    if (count == 2){
        fingerPrintTemplateForDB2 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);
        count = 1;

I am trying to store this template in fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = FingerprintSensorEx.BlobToBase64(template, templateLen[0]);

from zk import ZK, const
from zk.finger import Finger
conn = None
zk = ZK('', port=4370, timeout=5, password=0, force_udp=False, ommit_ping=False)
conn = zk.connect()
conn.set_user(uid=6, name='ahmed f', privilege=const.USER_ADMIN, password='12345678', group_id='', user_id='6', card=0)

fingerPrintTemplateForDB1 = "Template from Zk45000"

Myfinger = {
    "uid": 6,
    "fid": 6,
    "valid": 1,
    'template': fingerPrintTemplateForDB1
users = conn.get_users()
for user in users:
    if user.user_id == "3":
         conn.save_user_template(user, [ Finger.json_unpack(Myfinger)])

I think the main issue is in Finger print object In python :

from struct import pack #, unpack
import codecs

class Finger(object):

    def __init__(self, uid, fid, valid, template):
        self.size = len(template) # template only
        self.uid = int(uid)
        self.fid = int(fid)
        self.valid = int(valid)
        self.template = template
        #self.mark = str().encode("hex")
        self.mark = codecs.encode(template[:8], 'hex') + b'...' + codecs.encode(template[-8:], 'hex')

    def repack(self): #full
        return pack("HHbb%is" % (self.size), self.size+6, self.uid, self.fid, self.valid, self.template)

    def repack_only(self): #only template
        return pack("H%is" % (self.size), self.size, self.template)

    def json_unpack(json):
        return Finger(

    def json_pack(self): #packs for json
        return {
            "size": self.size,
            "uid": self.uid,
            "fid": self.fid,
            "valid": self.valid,
            "template": codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex').decode('ascii')

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__

    def __str__(self):
        return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, self.mark)

    def dump(self):
        return "<Finger> [uid:{:>3}, fid:{}, size:{:>4} v:{} t:{}]".format(self.uid, self.fid, self.size, self.valid, codecs.encode(self.template, 'hex'))

But nothing is working Can anyone have an idea .

I am using this unofficial library

 pip install -U pyzk


  • i found a solution the main problem was k50 was using ZkFingerprint10.0 algorithm and zk4500 was using algorithm ZkFingerprint9.0 by updating drivers of zk4500 from website
    (not from CD) to latest version....problem was solved