Search code examples

Move/Copy ComboBox to different sheet while retaining code

On Sheet1, I have an ActiveX combobox that lists the names of all the other sheets. When you select a sheet name, it runs the ComboBox1_Change event on the worksheet's code module, and that activates the desired sheet.

I'd like the destination sheet to have the same combobox so you can jump from there to yet another sheet. The obvious thing would be to make a copy of the combobox on every sheet, and copy the ComboBox1_Change code to every sheet's module.

I'd prefer to do this automatically if possible, because there are a lot of sheets. I'm pretty sure I can automatically move or copy the combobox to whatever sheet is selected (probably triggered on the Workbook_SheetActivate event). But what about the "jump to this sheet" code?

I need to either 1) automatically copy the code to each sheet, or 2) have the code in a central place where the combobox can run it from any sheet.


  • This ist the listbox-class that takes the worksheet within the init-sub. Then it is checked wether a combobox "lbSheetNames" exists - if not, it is created. Then the current sheet names are added to the list.

    Generation of all listboxes takes place in the thisworkbook_activate-event - the objects are kept in a collection. Due to this routine it is not necessary to add code to the single worksheet.

    class lbWorksheets

    Option Explicit
    Private Const lbName As String = "lbSheetNames"
    Private m_ws As Worksheet
    Private WithEvents m_cbo As MSForms.ComboBox
    Public Sub init(ws As Worksheet)
        Set m_ws = ws
    End Sub
    Private Sub addCombo()
        Dim objOLE As OLEObject, fFound As Boolean
        For Each objOLE In m_ws.OLEObjects
            If objOLE.Name = lbName Then
                fFound = True
                Exit For
            End If
        If fFound = False Then
            Set objOLE = m_ws.OLEObjects.Add("Forms.Combobox.1")
            With objOLE
                'change to your needs
                .Left = m_ws.Range("A1").Left
                .Top = m_ws.Range("A1").Top
                .Width = 150
                .Name = lbName
            End With
        End If
        With objOLE
            Set m_cbo = .Object
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub fillCboWithSheetNames()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    m_cbo.List = Array()
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        If Not ws Is m_ws Then  'don't add current sheet to listbox
            m_cbo.AddItem ws.Name
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub m_cbo_Change()
        gotoSheet m_cbo.Value
    End Sub
    Private Sub gotoSheet(wsName As String)
    On Error GoTo err_gotoSheet
        Dim ws As Worksheet
        Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(wsName)
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox "Sheet " & wsName & " does not exist.", vbExclamation
        Resume exit_gotoSheet
    End Sub

    Thisworkbook module

    Option Explicit
    Private m_colListboxes As Collection
    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    End Sub
    Private Sub iniListboxes()
    Dim ws As Worksheet, lb As lbWorksheets
    Set m_colListboxes = New Collection
    For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        Set lb = New lbWorksheets
        lb.init ws
        m_colListboxes.Add lb
    End Sub