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Dynamically control the number of FormGroups with a FormArray

I'm trying to dynamically control the number of FormGroups with a FormArray such that I set the FormArray length.

myForm ={
  formGroupsToAdd: ['5'],
  formList: this.fb.array(this.getFormControls(5))

getFormControls(numberOfFormGroups: number) {
  const myArray = new Array(numberOfFormGroups);
    length: [''],
    width: [''],
    height: ['']
  return myArray;

I also have a way of getting this formList: FormArray with

get unitList() {
  return this.myForm.get('formList') as FormArray;

However, when I go to add a value to a single control in this FormArray, it updates all FormGroups in the FormArray.

<div formArrayName="formList">
  <div *ngFor="let unitForm of formList.controls; let i = index">
    <div [formGroup]="formList.controls[i]">
      <pre>{{formList.controls[i].value | json}}</pre>
      <pre>i = {{i}}</pre>
        <input matInput formControlName="length" />
        <input matInput formControlName="width" />
        <input matInput formControlName="height" />

So my formList.value looks like this...

    "length": "",
    "width": "asdf",
    "height": ""
    "length": "",
    "width": "asdf",
    "height": ""
    "length": "",
    "width": "asdf",
    "height": ""
    "length": "",
    "width": "asdf",
    "height": ""
    "length": "",
    "width": "asdf",
    "height": ""

Where instead I need a single FormGroup to contain of course it's own unique FormControl values.

What am I doing wrong? Why doesn't the [formGroup]="formList.controls[i]" satisfy my need here by providing a unique identifier for each formGroup?

EDIT: I've added a stackblitz with my problem.


  • You should use [formGroupName]="idx" like this.

    <div formArrayName="formList">
      <div *ngFor="let unitForm of formList.controls; let i = index" [formGroupName]="i">
            <input matInput formControlName="length" />
            <input matInput formControlName="width" />
            <input matInput formControlName="height" />

    And some useful functions:

    // Call init form on init
    ngOnInit(): void {
    // init form here
    initForm() {
        this.myForm ={
          formList: this.fb.array([])
        // Call this 5 times or any times you want to init rows.
    // Add new item to make an addition button on UI
    addItem() {
        // You can enter input into newItem function to load data from API to make update/details screen.
        this.unitList.push(this.newItem(0, 0, 0));
    // Your function to get fromList
    unitList() {
        return this.myForm.get('formList') as FormArray;
    // new Item as a FormGroup to add into main form and it will auto render on UI
    newItem(length: number, width: number, height: number): FormGroup {
        const newGroup ={
          length: [length],
          width: [width],
          height: [height]
        return newGroup;
    // Clear all items to make a refresh/clean UI
    clearAllList() {
    // Remove item at index to make a delete button
    removeItem(index: number) {

    Updated: Fix issue on stackblitz:

    The issue is myArray.fill, and when you use it, it will use 1 reference variable to set for all 5 items in your array. So when you change one item, it will ref into 5 items

    getFormControls(numberOfFormGroups) {
        const myArray = new Array(numberOfFormGroups);
          length: [''],
          width: [''],
          height: ['']
        return myArray;

    So the fixed function should be like this. It will create 5 reference for 5 items.

    getFormControls(numberOfFormGroups) {
        const myArray = new Array();
        for (let i = 1; i <= numberOfFormGroups; i++) {
          let newItem ={ length: [''], width: [''], height: [''] });
        return myArray;