Below the screenshot/formula I am trying to match the date value in Column E against another date range column in Column B. If found, then return column D's matching value.
FORMULA: ==LOOKUP(E3,$A$3:$B$46,$C$3:$C$46)
Current Output:
7/4/65 10/4/65 0.25 7/4/68 0.25
Expected Output:
7/4/65 10/4/65 0.25 1/4/68 **2.75**
NOTE: I am using EXCEL 2003!!!
You have to use index/match to get the value in column D corresponding to the match position in column E:
However, according to this Iferror wasn't available until Excel 2007 so you'd have to use Iserror or Isna:
For the date ranges
If you decide to use Vlookup:
Or the two versions of Lookup:
all give the same results.
Note that I am doing the lookup on column A and it doesn't give the same answer as an exact lookup on column B. This is because it's not clear whether 10/4/65 (for example) should produce .25 or .5 because both are possible as 10/4/65 is the end of one range and the start of another and I have chosen to go for the second one.
Extra challenge
Would it be fairly easy to do this without doing a lookup and just using Excel 2003 functions?
Yes. If A1 contains the baseline date (maybe a date of birth) 4/4/65, it would look like this: