I am using CameraX and want to take a photo. Of course, no one wants a blurred picture, so we should ensure focused before taking picture.
First attempt: Simply call takePicture
like what is done in the official sample.
Problem: I can change the scene and quickly press the take photo button. Then, the camera has not finished auto focus when the takePicture happens. Therefore, I get a blurred photo :/
Second attempt: Before actually taking photo, firstly trigger focusing and wait for it to finish.
Code like:
).apply {
//focus only when the user tap the preview
Problem: It takes so long to do a focus (seconds!). Users definitely cannot accept that.
Therefore, I wonder what should I do? IMHO this should be very commonly used, so I am surprised to see that I cannot find any solution! Do I miss something?
Thanks for any suggestions!
I found the answer! Simply call setCaptureMode(ImageCapture.CAPTURE_MODE_MAXIMIZE_QUALITY)
Reason: look at ImageCapture's constructor:
mEnableCheck3AConverged = true; // check 3A convergence in MAX_QUALITY mode
} else {
mEnableCheck3AConverged = false; // skip 3A convergence in MIN_LATENCY mode
And that field:
* A flag to check 3A converged or not.
* <p>In order to speed up the taking picture process, trigger AF / AE should be skipped when
* the flag is disabled. Set it to be enabled in the maximum quality mode and disabled in the
* minimum latency mode.
private final boolean mEnableCheck3AConverged;