I'm trying to change two sting keys within a dictionary plist file with the os x onboard tools (via terminal) but I'm having problems. I just switched back to os x after a 10 years break so I'm struggling a bit atm.
% plutil -p "/Users/username/Library/Preferences/com.Adobe.Common 15.0.plist"
"Media Cache" => {
"DatabasePath" => "/Users/path/somewhere/one"
"FolderPath" => "/Users/path/somewhere/two"
I tried several command wiht defaults write, plutil & PlistBuddy but I'm not able to change the values to anything else.
% defaults write "/Users/username/Library/Preferences/com.Adobe.Common\ 15.0.plist" "Media Cache" -array-add '{DatabasePath = (test);}'
Could someone help me with this problem? The empty spaces aren't perfect but I have to deal with them...
Best, Ben
Using defaults
you can change or set your keys this way
defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.Adobe.Common\ 15.0.plist "Media Cache" -dict DatabasePath "/Users/path/somewhere/one" FolderPath "/Users/path/somewhere/two"
From man
-dict Allows the user to add a dictionary to the defaults database for a domain. Keys and values are specified in order: defaults write somedomain preferenceKey -dict key1 value1 key2 value2