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com.docker.socket was not opened because it contains malware

I noticed this issue on a Mac running Docker Desktop. I've been running Docker on this Mac for a while with no problems, and this cropped up apropos of nothing, after a reboot:

"com.docker.socket" was not opened because it contains malware

Anyone have an idea why, and what can be done to work around it? Simply dragging the app icon to the trash and re-installing didn't seem to help.

Note: I re-created this question because it was asked then deleted by its author, as I was in the act of answering it. I pretty much expected it would be closed for reasons discussed below, so it's since been re-asked and answered on


  • Update: The official solution for this problem is documented here; thanks to Adjmed Omar for pointing that out. See this blog post from Docker for context.

    What follows is what worked for me, retained here for posterity. I appreciate the suggestions to use Colima; that's simply beyond the scope of the initial problem.

    See the GitHub issue docker/for-mac #7520 for context. Quoting from that issue:

    Docker rotated an old signing certificate for macOS and this unexpectedly broke users who currently have Docker Desktop installed.

    I opted to simply uninstall Docker and reinstall it, rather than muck about with launchctl commands in the terminal. As it turned out, this step was probably unnecessary, and you should note that the uninstall binary in the bundle "destroys Docker containers, images, volumes, and other Docker-related data local to the machine."

    As I recall, though, the uninstaller seemed to have overlooked the file(s) that macOS identified as "malware" in the first place: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.socket, and com.docker.vmnetd. I removed both of those files manually and rebooted for good measure—just like Windows!

    Afterwards, I re-installed Docker by dragging the app icon from the latest .dmg image to the "Applications" folder, and things appear to be fine so far.