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change all eslint errors to warning instead of error using .eslintrc.js

Is there a way to change all eslint errors to warnings using eslintrc.js file?

I just hate it at the moment, especially when it stops the entire program because I added an extra space.

I was wondering is there a way to turn all errors off and let prettier handle the rearranging of the code?

P.S. I am using vscode as the IDE and

I know about the comment thingy at the beginning of the code. It does not work on a vue or nuxt project


  • If you're using the ESLint extension, you can customize the severity of ESLint rules using the setting eslint.rules.customizations.

    For example, if you add the following snippet to your .vscode/settings.json, all ESLint errors will be shown as warnings in VSCode.

    "eslint.rules.customizations": [
      { "rule": "*", "severity": "warn" }