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How to Solve Brython Giving Error for the code value it got from Ace Editor

Please check the Images or Image links of my problem!

When I write my code in Ace Editor like this then Brython gives the correct result!

When I extend my code or the div resizes and hides the code like in this case 'pri' of print is hidden because of extending code, it gives an error

I have also tried wrapping the text but then also Brython gives an error!

My Brython and Ace Configurations are as follows!

function run() {
  const console = document.getElementById("console");
  const runner = new BrythonRunner({
    stdout: {
      write(content) {
        console.innerHTML += content;
        console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight;
      flush() {}
    stderr: {
      write(content) {
        console.innerHTML += content;
        console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight;
      flush() {}
    stdin: {
      async readline() {
        console.innerHTML += "\n";
        console.scrollTop = console.scrollHeight;
        var userInput = prompt();
        return userInput;
      flush() {}
  var code = editor.getValue();

function run_init() {

  if (document.getElementById("console") != '') {
    document.getElementById("console").innerHTML = '';

  } else {
<button onclick="run()">run</button>
<div class='editor_class' id='editor'>print('Hello World')</div>
<div class='compiler_class'><textarea id='console' readonly></textarea></div>

<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>

  var editor = ace.edit("editor");
  editor.setFontSize("16px"); = "100px"
    enableLiveAutocompletion: true,
    copyWithEmptySelection: true,
    showGutter: true,

    useWrapMode: false, // wrap text to view
    indentedSoftWrap: false,


  • Your error was to use innerText on editor container instead of editor.getValue();, i have updated your code snippet and it works now.