I created an alert controller and am trying to style the header
of the alert. I have checked out the docs but i couldn't find any solution.
async showAlert(header, subHeader, message) {
const alert = await this.alertCtl.create({
cssClass: "my-custom-class",
buttons: ["Ok"],
How do i style the header of the alert ?.
Edit: This is the global.scss file
.my-custom-class {
.alert-wrapper {
.alert-head {
color: green;
Have tried this as suggested by @Vijay Kumawat but it still the same.
You have to add a custom class to the alert while creating the alert which I can see is my-custom-class
in your alert. You can use this class as below to customize the alert style
.my-custom-class {
.alert-wrapper {
.alert-head {
// header styling here eg. background
h2 {
// header text styling here eg. color, font size
EDIT: the text in the header are in h2 tag so styling regarding text (font size, color etc. ) will go under h2 otherwise h2's default style will override the custom css added directly to .alert-head
NOTE: you can check the ion alert's element structure using inspect element.