I have aop xml config like this:
<aop:pointcut id="serviceMethod" expression="execution(* egovframework.example..impl.*Impl.*(..))" />
<aop:aspect ref="exceptionTransfer">
<aop:after-throwing throwing="exception" pointcut-ref="serviceMethod" method="transfer" />
<bean id="exceptionTransfer" class="bla.bla.DefaultExceptionTransfer">
You can see that the line <aop:aspect ref="exceptionTransfer">
indicate that the aspect is linked with the bean below.
Now I want to convert this to java annotation based. What I have done:
public class ContextExceptionHandlerAspectConfiguration {
@Pointcut("execution(* egovframework.example..impl.*Impl.*(..))")
public void serviceAnnotation() { }
public ExceptionTransfer exceptionTransfer() {
return new DefaultExceptionTransfer();
The problem is I don't know how to write the code to link the aspect with the exceptionTransfer. Please help, thanks
An example of how to achieve this is using @AfterThrowing as in the example below:
public class LoggingAspect {
@AfterThrowing(value = "execution(* com.amitph.spring.aop.service.FileSystemStorageService.readFile(..))",
throwing = "ex")
public void logAfterThrowing(JoinPoint joinPoint, Exception ex) {
log.error("Target Method resulted into exception, message {}", ex.getMessage());