Using the Postman
, I am trying to save an event in the SQS, it is all working fine with just simple JSON
as below,
"subscriptionId": "6d000ba7-9bcb-3e2f-bf2e-e960026f000e",
"notificationId": 6,
"id": "e8ee798d-c888-4fdd-666a-626627da0f73",
"eventType": "workitem.created",
"publisherId": "tfs"
but when I add the below message:..
content in the the JOSN
body it comes up with the access Denied error
in response
in Postman
(screenshot attached below). cant get my head around what is the reason it reject just because I change something in the body
-Any pointers
please if I am missing something here?
"subscriptionId": "6d000ba7-9bcb-4e2f-bf2e-e960046f000e",
"notificationId": 6,
"id": "e0ee798d-c888-4fdd-666a-976627da0f73",
"eventType": "workitem.created",
"publisherId": "tfs",
"message": {
"text": "Issue #17 (sdgdfsgfdg) created by Umair Ashraf\r\n(",
"html": "<a href=\"\">Issue #17</a> (sdgdfsgfdg) created by Umair Ashraf",
"markdown": "[Issue #17]( (sdgdfsgfdg) created by Umair Ashraf"
The below error appears after I add the message and its value in the Body in Postman,
The APIGateway
is configured as below to save the messages in the SQS
It was an encoding issue! so need to encode the body before it is sent to the SQS queue as below,
So we need to go to the API and then go to the Integration request and set the mapping template as below,
Action= SendMessage&MessageBody= $util.urlENcode($input.body)
Note: Before I was using without encoding the body as below and was working only for simple JSON stuff...
Action= SendMessage&MessageBody=$input.body