I tried those two options, without any luck:
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
let key = undefined;
for (let k of url.searchParams) {
if(url.searchParams[k] == postID) {
key = k;
let url = new URL(window.location.href);
const filteredItems = Object.keys(url.searchParams).filter(key =>
url.searchParams[key] == postID
let key = filteredItems.keys.first;
What is wrong?
Two issues:
have iterator semantics (i.e. a Symbol.iterator
property), accessing the keys is not performed via normal property access, but via the get
method: url.searchParams.get("someKey") === postID
returns elements as [ key, value ]
arrays, not just the keys themselves, so in your for
loop, url.searchParams[k] == postID
is like url.searchParams[[ "someKey", "somePostId" ]] == postID
, which will be coerced to url.searchParams["someKey,somePostId"] == postID
.A working approach for finding a key (or the keys) for which the value matches postID
would look like this:
const searchParams = new URL(window.location.href).searchParams;
// const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); // Alternative.
const keyCandidates = Array.from(searchParams)
.filter(([ key, value ]) => value === postID)
.map(([ key ]) => key);
const keyCandidate = Array.from(searchParams)
.find(([ key, value ]) => value === postID)[0];
const lastKeyCandidate = Array.from(searchParams)
.find(([ key, value ]) => value === postID)[0];
console.log("List of candidate keys: ", keyCandidates);
console.log("Single candidate key: ", keyCandidate);
If you’re in an environment where Iterator Helpers are supported, this can be rewritten as:
const keyCandidates = searchParams.entries()
.filter(([ key, value ]) => value === postID)
.map(([ key ]) => key)
const keyCandidate = searchParams.entries()
.find(([ key, value ]) => value === postID)[0];
The lastKeyCandidate
may have an easy equivalent in the future with the Double-Ended Iterator proposal.
const lastKeyCandidate = searchParams.entries()
.filter(([ key, value ]) => value === "1")
.map(([ key ]) => key)
.next("back") // Get last entry in iterator.
More iteration examples:
const url = "https://example.com/?some=value&search=1¶m=&etc";
// Equivalent to `new URL(url).search`.
const urlSearch = "?some=value&search=1¶m=&etc";
// Equivalent to `new URLSearchParams(urlSearch)`.
const searchParams = new URL(url).searchParams;
// Equivalent to `Array.from(searchParams.entries())`
// Result: [ [ "some", "value" ], [ "search", "1" ], [ "param", "" ], [ "etc", "" ] ]
// Equivalent to `new Map(searchParams.entries())`
console.log(new Map(searchParams));
// Result: Map { "some" → "value", "search" → "1", "param" → "", "etc" → "" }
// Result: [ "some", "search", "param", "etc" ]
// Result: [ "value", "1", "", "" ]
for(const [ key, value ] of searchParams){
console.log(key, value); // "some", "value"; then "search", "1"; then "param", ""; then "etc", "".