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How to make it point-free when there is local variable?

I have a code snippet to remove the host part from server URL in OpenAPI definition. I don't know how to make it point-free totally. (It isn't necessary to do that. But I just want to know how to.)

The difficult part to me is to get rid of the local variable idx. I read this SO and it seems that ap can solve. I didn't try because there is no ap in lodash.

const convert = _.flow([
  (segments) => {
    const idx = _.findLastIndex(containAny(['{', '}', ':']))(segments);
    return _.drop(idx+1, segments);
  path => '/' + path,

Full code:

const _ = require('lodash/fp');

const urls = [

const containAny = patterns => str => _.some(pattern => _.includes(pattern, str), patterns);

const convert = _.flow([
  (segments) => {
    const idx = _.findLastIndex(containAny(['{', '}', ':']))(segments);
    return _.drop(idx+1, segments);
  path => '/' + path,


  • In your case you need to call _.findLastIndex() on segments, and then call _.drop() on the results of the find and segments:


    Which is equivalent to the chain combinator function:

    const chain = f => g => x => f(g(x))(x);

    Lodash/fp accepts all functions when using _.flow() (which is also a functional combinator), so you can create other functional combinators, and use them.

    const chain = f => g => x => f(g(x))(x);
    const containAny = patterns => str => _.some(pattern => _.includes(pattern, str), patterns);
    const findLastSegmentIndex = _.flow(
      _.findLastIndex(containAny(['{', '}', ':'])),
    const convert = _.flow([
      path => '/' + path,
    const urls = [
    const result =;
    <script src=''></script>