already have started crud with blazor serverside to get data from database
i am working now to create a page where i will see details and edit one item of a list
i got the id of the item i want to display but my crud solution give me a list of object not just one llike i need....
i got my SqlDataAccess where i code the two main function (load -> QueryAsync, and Save -> ExecuteAsync) with its interface like below :
And i got a FiledbData class from where i call db like below :
i want now just to ask the database for one item like an getbyId instead of get all data ...
You can use parameterized queries
to execute an where clause.
Therefore the GetFile
method would be like this:
public Task<FileModel> GetFilebyId(int id)
string sql = "select * from dbo.file.. where Id = @Id";
return _db.LoadSingleResult<FileModel, dynamic>(sql, new {Id = id });
Also you need to add a new method LoadSingleResult
like below(other parts apart from try
section are similar to your LoadData
public async Task<T> LoadSingleResult<T,U>(string sql, U parameters)
var data=await connection.QueryAsynch<T>(sql, parameters);
reurn data.Single();
Note that:
columnYou can use QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync too.