I succesfully used react-audio-player to reproduce an audio track; now I need to reproduce more than one track, and possibly to reproduce them sequentially (but without autoPlay: I need to start the first one manually and then the following start by themselves). Is it possible to do that?
What I did:
What I need:
src=["https://www.examplelink1.com/example1.mp3", "https://www.examplelink2.com/example2.mp3"]
If you read the docs the src attribute type is "String", so you can't pass an array.
One simple way could be to create a player component for each track, use the onEnded attribute to catch the current endend track and change te app state consequently.
Your state would have a currentIndex: 0
attribute which is current track's index.
When you map your array of tracks you check if the current element'index of the array equals to currentIndex
as autoplay attribute value.
Within the onEnded
callback you increment the index.