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Excel ActiveX Combo Box not Showing Selection

I'm using a ActiveX Combo Box to show all or some Worksheets. In addition to that, on the same worksheet I have some Form Controls Check Boxes where the user can use them as filters for the Combo Box. So for instance, each check box have the name of department and so when one is checked the list will be updated with the worksheets related to that name. Which works fine.

However, the problem I have is that if I do choose an option from the Combo Box drop down list, it doesn't come up on the field of the Combo Box.

Here is the code I'm using at the moment.

Private Sub TransferList_DropButtonClick()
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Dim ws As Worksheet

    I = 1
    For Each ws In Sheets
        If ActiveSheet.Shapes("CheckBox_Viva").ControlFormat.Value = 1 Then
            TransferList.AddItem ws.Name
            I = I + 1
        End If
    Next ws
    Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub

I did some research and I did find that by using the TransferList_Change the issue is resolved but the filtering is not working (no change whether a check box is True or False).

What am I missing?



  • Like I said in my comment I will leave in some minutes. Please, try understanding the next way of working and extrapolate it at your situation. If something unclear, do not hesitate to ask. But I will be able to answer only after some hours, when I will be at home.

    1. Open a new workbook and save it as 'xlxm`, to accept macros.

    2. Place on the working sheet a combo box (ActiveX type) and so many Form Type check boxes as workbook number of sheets. Name them (name and caption) exactly as the sheets, or in a way to make them matching one or some more sheets. Name the combo as "TransferList".

    3. Copy the next code in a Standard module:

    Sub LoadSheets_Combo()
         Dim ws As Worksheet, cmb As MSForms.ComboBox
         Set cmb = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("TransferList").Object
         For Each ws In Sheets
                If ActiveSheet.Shapes(ws.Name).ControlFormat.Value = 1 Then
                    cmb.AddItem ws.Name
                End If
    End Sub
    1. Right click on each check box and choose Assign macro... and choose 'Maros in: This workbookand at 'Macro name' chooseLoadSheets_Combo`.

    2. Start paying with check box values and see how the combo is loaded, only with the sheets matching (somehow) with the ticked check boxes.

    Test the above suggested scenario and send some feedback...


    Please, try the next code able to do what (I understood) you need for your case:

    Option Explicit
    Sub LoadSheets_Combo()
         Dim ws As Worksheet, cmb As MSForms.ComboBox, strDep As String, strProd As String, arrDep, arrProd
         Dim chB As CheckBox, iD As Long, iP As Long, mtch, arrL(), boolAllFalse As Boolean
         'ReDim the arrays keeping departments and products at their maximum possible size:
         ReDim arrDep(ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Count - 1): ReDim arrProd(ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes.Count - 1):
         For Each chB In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes  'iterate between check boxes:
            If Mid(chB.Name, 9, 2) = "De" Then     'if a check box refers a department name:
                If chB.Value = 1 Then                   'if its value is True:
                    arrDep(iD) = chB.Name: iD = iD + 1 'put it in the departments array
                End If
            End If
            If Mid(chB.Name, 9, 2) = "Pr" Then    'if a check box refers a product name:
                If chB.Value = 1 Then                 'if its value is True:
                    arrProd(iP) = chB.Name: iP = iP + 1 'put it in the products array
                End If
            End If
         If iD > 0 Then ReDim Preserve arrDep(iD - 1) 'redim the array preserving only the loaded elements
         If iP > 0 Then ReDim Preserve arrProd(iP - 1) 'redim the array preserving only the loaded elements
         Set cmb = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("TransferList").Object 'set the combo to be loaded
         cmb.Clear                                                'clear the combo items
         boolAllFalse = onlyFalseChkB   'check if all check boxes value is False and place the result in a boolean var
         For Each ws In Sheets                              'iterate between all sehets
            If boolAllFalse Then                              'if all checkboxes value are False:
                cmb.AddItem ws.Name                      'add the sheet name in the combo
            Else                                                   'if not all check boxes value are False:
                If iD > 0 Then                                 'if there are department check boxes in departments array:
                   mtch = Application.Match("CheckBox" & Mid(ws.Name, 9, 3), arrDep, 0) 'check if the sheet is found in the array
                   If Not IsError(mtch) Then               'if found
                       If cmb.ListCount > 0 Then          'if there are items in the combo
                           arrL = cmb.List                     'extract the combo items in an array a 2D array with 10 columns (fastest way)
                           ReDim Preserve arrL(0 To cmb.ListCount - 1, 0 To 0) 'replace all (Null) values from columns 1 to 10)
                           mtch = Application.Match(ws.Name, arrL, 0)             'check if the sheet name is already added in the combo
                           If IsError(mtch) Then            'if not added:
                               cmb.AddItem ws.Name      'add it
                           End If
                           cmb.AddItem ws.Name          'add the sheet name in the combo, if combo does not have any item (yet)
                       End If
                   End If
               End If
               'check products chkB:
                If iP > 0 Then                               'proceed in the same way for the products check boxes array:
                   mtch = Application.Match("CheckBox" & Right(ws.Name, 3), arrProd, 0)
                   If Not IsError(mtch) Then
                       If cmb.ListCount > 0 Then
                           arrL = cmb.List
                           ReDim Preserve arrL(0 To cmb.ListCount - 1, 0 To 0)
                           mtch = Application.Match(ws.Name, arrL, 0)
                           If IsError(mtch) Then
                               cmb.AddItem ws.Name
                           End If
                           cmb.AddItem ws.Name
                       End If
                   End If
               End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Function onlyFalseChkB() As Boolean
        Dim chB As CheckBox
        For Each chB In ActiveSheet.CheckBoxes
            If chB.Value = 1 Then Exit Function
        onlyFalseChkB = True
    End Function

    In order to load the combo according to the above Sub rules when the sheet is activated, please copy the next code event in the sheet keeping the controls code module:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    End Sub