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How to change Chrome settings to test using navigator.language?

I'm trying to internationalize an app and need to test how it behaves in other locales.

However, navigator.language always returns en-US, even if I change language settings in both Chrome and OS X.

What can I do to the browser to force navigator.language to return something like es-MX?


I'm trying to make the change as a user, through the GUI, not with code.


  • As of Sept 2021, on Mac (M1):

    To change window.navigator.language:

    1. Settings > Advanced > Language > Add Language
    2. then bring this language to the top

    To change the language of the user interface:

    (thanks to @AdamBittlingmayer above)

    defaults write AppleLanguages '(es, es-ES)'

    To verify:

    defaults read