I have setup a Cassandra cluster with two nodes recently. The replication factor is set to 2 and they both seem to be working well if both the nodes are turned on. Now how can I use hector in such a way so that it keeps working as far as atleast one node is up? As of now I have something like following.
CassandraHostConfigurator cassandraHostConfigurator = new CassandraHostConfigurator(
Cluster cluster = HFactory.getOrCreateCluster("structspeech",
Keyspace keyspace = HFactory.createKeyspace("structspeech", cluster);
Let's say if host xx.xx.13.22 goes down then I am getting the following message in my console and all my inserts are failing untill that node comes up.
Downed xx.xx.13.22(xx.xx.13.22):9160 host still appears to be down: Unable to open transport to xx.xx.13.22(xx.xx.13.22):9160 , java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
This is how my keyspace is defined
update keyspace structspeech with placement_strategy =
and strategy_options =[{replication_factor:2}];
I am sure I am missing something very trivial, any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
By default Hector uses a consistency level of Quorum so if one of your nodes is down this level cannot be satisfied.
When RF = 2 quorum means you need to read and write to both nodes, so if one of them is down you can't execute.
Here's a nice online tool that demonstrates NRW (N = replication factor, R = read consistency and W = write consistency) http://www.ecyrd.com/cassandracalculator/
To change the consistency level while writing/reading use, for example AllOneConsistencyLevelPolicy HFactory.createKeyspace(String, Cluster, ConsistencyLevelPolicy)