I have a mat-select and I would like to change a flag icon in a span in the mat-label, based on the selected option.
The initial flag is shown, after a click no change occurs in the span.
The flags in the option list are working correctly, so the question only concerns the label.
I am trying something like:
<span [class]="getLanguageFlag(selectedLanguage)"></span>
{{ selectedLanguage }}
*ngFor="let language of languages"
<span [class]="getLanguageFlag(language)"></span>
{{ language }}
selectedLanguage: string = environment.defaultLanguage;
private store: Store<State>,
private translateService: TranslateService) {}
changeLanguage(language: string): void {
this.selectedLanguage = language;
getLanguageFlag(language: string): string {
let style = 'flag-icon flag-icon-';
return language === 'en' ? `${style}gb` : `${style}${language}`;
I've also tried a getter/setter, but the setter didn't seem to work when using the mat-select.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I tested it and you code works. You should just check if 2-letter country code is correct.
I don't know if you just didn't copy it correctly, but you are missing closing <mat-form-field>
tag in you HTML, so check that also.