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Why prefer Plugman over Cordova CLI for embedded projects?

I'm working on a iOS-only project with an embedded Cordova Web view. The Cordova docs say I should use Plugman instead of the Cordova CLI. But why? When I add my platform, Cordova automatically detects and adds plugins. To use Plugman, I would have to remove each plugin and re-add it. And the only difference - that I found - is that Plugman copies the plugins to platforms/ios/cordova/plugins, whereas Cordova keeps them in the plugins directory. And Plugman still copies sources for other platforms! Why use it? The app can load plugins either way, so why prefer Plugman?


  • It's not preferred, it's the only available tool when using a single-platform workflow. You don't use cordova (and its platform, plugin CLI) at all, only cordova-ios.

    To create an iOS project, run node_modules/cordova-ios/bin/create myproj.

    Then use plugman install --platform ios --project myproj --plugin cordova-plugin-device. This will copy the plugin's JS interface to the myproj/platform_www. Since you're using your own Xcode project, you won't be using the generated "myproj" project at all - it's just a staging area for the Crodova runtime files. So you need to add the plugins' source files to your project manually, and then copy its platform_www files to your own www directory, where your embedded Web view can load them.

    This should have been covered in more detail in the Cordova guides.