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Reactive pipeline using Mutiny operators

I am working on a reactive quarkus backend service which does the following.

  1. Fetch a list of records from backend using Hibernate Reactive Panache interacting with postgres
  2. Using record's identifier, fetch data from another remote service.

I am using Mutiny to perform the reactive pipelining. Remote service and database integrations are all individually working fine in a non-blocking way. I just need help with writing a pipeline linking those. For eg: Something like below

    public Uni<List<Post>> findAllBooks() {
        return Book.listAll()             // Entity returns Uni<List<Book>> succesfully.
                    .flatMap(book -> postApiClient.getPost(book.getId())  // Reactive postApiClient returns Uni<Post> successfully.

I am stuck processing a Uni wrapping a List and then trying to process individual items in that list. Either Uni<List> or Multi would just work fine for me. I just want it to non-blocking throughout.


  • I have managed to achieve the objective by writing the following pipeline.

    1. Transform the List<Uni> objects returned by PancheEntity into Multi using the list as iterable.
    2. For each item on the Multi, Invoke the non-blocking remote service.

    I wasn't worried about order hence used transformToUniAndMerge. For those who needs to maintain order of data as is in the original list use transformToUniAndConcatenate

    public Multi<String> hello() {
        return Uni.createFrom().item(List.of("hello", "Django", "Hola"))  // Creating a list of Uni as would be returned by PanacheEntity
            .onItem().transformToMulti(x -> Multi.createFrom().iterable(x))  // Transform into Multi by passing the iterable
            .onItem().transformToUniAndMerge(this::mockRemoteService);  // Invoke the non-blocking remote service which returns Uni
    private Uni<String> mockRemoteService(String item) {
        return Uni.createFrom().item((item + " mutiny").toUpperCase());