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Checkbox in DataGridView doesnt Check

I create a DataGridView as follows

 private void IniciarGV()
        using (var db = new Entities())

            var ListaPantallas = (from a in db.PANTALLAS
                                  select a).ToList();

            if (ListaPantallas != null)

                gvPermisos.DataSource = ListaPantallas;
                gvPermisos.Columns["idPantalla"].Visible = false;
                gvPermisos.Columns["nombrepantalla"].HeaderText = "Nombre";
                //gvPermisos.Columns.Add(new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn());
                DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn checkBoxColumn = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
                checkBoxColumn.HeaderText = "Seleccione";
                checkBoxColumn.Width = 50;
                checkBoxColumn.Name = "checkBoxColumn";
                gvPermisos.Columns.Insert(0, checkBoxColumn);



After that a i retrieve the privileges with the same method linq

var TraerPermisos = (from a in db.PERMISOS
                                 where a.IDUSUARIO == UsuarioEditar.idUsuario
                                 select a).ToList();

After i go through the gridview to match the privileges with the ids that i wanted to check so the user can edit them, but for some reason they always appear unmarked

so far this is what i encounter in every forum or google, but it doesnt seem to work

 foreach (PERMISOS item in TraerPermisos)
                foreach (DataGridViewRow row in gvPermisos.Rows)
                    var ValorPermisoEnGV = Convert.ToBoolean(row.Cells["checkBoxColumn"].Value);
                    var ValorPantalla = decimal.Parse(row.Cells["idPantalla"].Value.ToString());
                    if (ValorPantalla == item.IDPANTALLA)
                        row.Cells["checkBoxColumn"].Value = true;

this what my form looks like enter image description here

I load the privileges on start

 public ManejarUsuario()
        if (UsuarioEditar.idUsuario != 0)
            btnCrearUsuario.Text = "Editar";

Sorry about the long post, i've tried so many options but none seems to work


  • Life would be a lot easier if you just put a Boolean in the data driving the grid. First, let's make a holder class for your info

    class Perms{
      public int IdPantalla { get; set; }
      public string NombrePantalla { get; set; }
      public bool HasPermission { get; set; }

    Then let's have the query produce a list of these instead:

    //get all the IDPANTALLA this user has and put in a hash set
    var TraerPermisos = (from a in db.PERMISOS
        where a.IDUSUARIO == UsuarioEditar.idUsuario
        select a.IDPANTALLA).ToHashSet();
    //make a list of objects that includes a bool of whether the user has that permission 
    //note you should have this be a class level variable for ease of use later/elsewhere 
    ListaPantallas = (from a in db.PANTALLAS
        select new Perms { 
          IdPantalla a.IdPantalla, 
          HasPermission = TraerPermisos.Contains(a.idPantalla) , 
          NombrePantalla = a.nombrepantalla 

    Then set up the grid:

    gvPermisos.DataSource = ListaPantallas;
    gvPermisos.Columns["IdPantalla"].Visible = false;
    gvPermisos.Columns[ "NombrePantalla"].HeaderText = "Nombre";
    gvPermisos.Columns[ "HadPermission"].HeaderText = "Seleccione";

    The grid will find the bool property in the list and wire it up for you as a check column. It doesn't need you to make a column for it. Anything you tick is then stored in the underlying list as a true/false and you can eg foreach(var x in ListaPantallas) if(x.HasPermission...

    When manipulating data in a DGV that is bound to a data source, manipulate the source. Also consider to make Perms implements INotifyPropertyChanged (and consider switching to using a binding list)