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Etherpad: setHTML API response is successful but updated html is not visible on etherpad

When I create a new pad and use newly created padID in /setHTML API, this updates HTML and updated HTML is visible on pad. But, when I use the same process for a pad where I'm creating sessions etc the and use padID in /setHTML, this call is successful but updated HTML is not visible on the pad. However, this is getting saved in DB.

Please help!



  • I've found the mistake which I was making in calling etherpad.The correct way is given below. This is working fine for me.

    <iframe src='http://pad.domain/p/PAD_NAME?sessionID=sessionID&userName=userName&showChat=false&showLineNumbers=false' width=600 height=400></iframe>

    PAD_NAME and padID are sam in my case. /setHTML is working fine when I use padID.