I am trying to run the code below in VS Code for Julia (or directly on Julia). It is a simple example that computes the Maximum Likelihood estimator of the mean and the variance of a normal distribution (source):
n = 1_000
data = randn(n)
mle = Model(optimizer_with_attributes(Ipopt.Optimizer, "print_level" => 0))
@NLparameter(mle, problem_data[i = 1:n] == data[i])
μ0 = randn()
σ0 = rand() + 1
@info "Starting guess, mean: $μ0, std: $σ0"
@variable(mle, μ, start = μ0)
@variable(mle, σ >= 0.0, start = σ0)
@NLexpression(mle, loglikelihood,
-(n / 2) * (log(2π) + 2 * log(σ)) - inv(2 * σ^2) * sum((xi - μ)^2 for xi in problem_data)
@NLobjective(mle, Max, loglikelihood)
This is a nonlinear optimization problem using JuMP
, and when running optimize!(mle)
I am getting 'terminal process terminated with exit code 3221226356' in VS Code. Similarly, when I run it directly in Julia, it just shuts down entirely. (I have the latest versions) (I have tried in a different computer and everything works fine). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
P.S. I have seen it might have to do with a 'heap corruption problem', but I have no idea what that means/how to solve it.
This has been cross-posted on the Julia discourse, we'll continue to debug it there: https://discourse.julialang.org/t/cant-run-simple-jump-example/67938
It's either:
Either way, this is likely hard to debug.