My current best code is:
string delNonQuery = "DELETE FROM " + Settings.DataSource + " WHERE @keycolumn=@keyuid";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(delNonQuery,readerConn);
SqlParameter kc = new SqlParameter("keycolumn", SqlDbType.VarChar);
SqlParameter key = new SqlParameter("keyuid", SqlDbType.VarChar);
cmd.Parameters.Add(kc).Value = Settings.KeyColumn;
cmd.Parameters.Add(key).Value = Page.Request["key"].ToString().Trim();
This executes but affects a whopping zero rows. If I change the SqlDbType on keyuid to UniqueIdentifier it just ends up with me getting a dozen variations on "failed to convert character string into uniqueidentifier". I have to use a parameterized query for data cleanliness, I'm just really stuck as to how...
You can't specify a parameter for a column name - you need to concatenate it the same way you do for the table name.
"DELETE FROM " + Settings.DataSource + " WHERE @keycolumn=@keyuid"
Should change to:
"DELETE FROM " + Settings.DataSource + " WHERE " + Settings.KeyColumn + " =@keyuid"
Though I would probably write it as:
string delNonQuery = string.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE {1} = @keyuid",
For completeness sake, I will mention that this is open to SQL injection. You need to make sure your Settings
values are clean.