Note: I have seen this question here, but my array is completely different.
Hello everyone. I have been trying to make a censoring program for my website. What I ended up with was:
$wordsList = [
$message = str_replace($wordsList[0], $wordsList[1], "frog frog Nock Nock");
echo $message;
What I am trying to do is replace "frog" with "sock" using multidimentional arrays without typing all of the words out in str_replace();
Expected Output: "sock sock crocs crocs"
However, when I execute it, for some unknown reason it doesn't actually replace the words, without any errors. I think it's a rookie mistake that I made, but I have searched and have not found any documentation on using a system like this. Please help!
You need to change the structure of your wordsList array.
There are two structures that will make it easy:
This would be my recommendation since it's super clear what the strings and their replacements are.
// Store them as key/value pairs with the search and replacement strings
$wordsList = [
'frog' => 'sock',
'Nock' => 'crock',
$message = str_replace(
array_keys($wordsList), // Get all keys as the search array
$wordsList, // The replacements
"frog frog Nock Nock"
This one requires you to add the search/replacement values in the same order, which can be hard to read when you have a few different strings.
$wordsList = [
['frog', 'Nock'], // All search strings
['sock', 'crock'], // All replacements
$message = str_replace(
$wordsList[0], // All search strings
$wordsList[1], // The replacements strings
"frog frog Nock Nock"
If you can't change the original array, then create a new array with the correct structure since that won't work "as is".