So I noticed that when getting input with SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL)
, when holding a specific button, it is going to first write outlets say a
, and after 1 second its gonna continue aaaaaaaa
normally. I want to when I hold the button a that it automatically goes aaaaaa
Here is a video if you don't understand my poor explanations:
There is a delay between it writes out first a
, and writing out aaaaa
about 1 second. How can I change that? (I want there to be no delay)
Here is my code:
while (gameRunning) {
SDL_Event event;
const Uint8* keystates = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
gameRunning = false;
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_W]) {
entities[0].setY(entities[0].getY() - 1);
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_S]) {
entities[0].setY(entities[0].getY() + 1);
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_A]) {
entities[0].setX(entities[0].getX() - 1);
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_D]) {
entities[0].setX(entities[0].getX() + 1);
You're misusing SDL_GetKeyboardState(nullptr)
It should be used in the main loop, not in the event loop:
while (gameRunning)
SDL_Event event;
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event))
if (event.type == SDL_QUIT)
gameRunning = false;
const std::uint8_t *keystates = SDL_GetKeyboardState(nullptr);
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_W])
entities[0].setY(entities[0].getY() - 1);
if (keystates[SDL_SCANCODE_S])
entities[0].setY(entities[0].getY() + 1);
// An so on...