I'm making a download button to be used in a HTML page. It will download app which is published on Samsung Galaxy Store.
Using JavaScript, I want to detect if user has Samsung Galaxy Store installed. If it's installed, I will redirect user to Galaxy Store, else will redirect them to our app's website.
If we find out if it's a Samsung device using UserAgent as described here, is it safe to assume that the device will always have Samsung Galaxy Store.
As pointed out by @snachmsm, detecting presence of Galaxy Store is not possible.
I could however find out if it's a Samsung device or not using following userAgent
match condition:
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/SAMSUNG|SGH-[I|N|T]|GT-[I|P|N]|SM-[N|P|T|Z|G]|SHV-E|SCH-[I|J|R|S]|SPH-L/i)) {
alert("it's Samsung default browser");
// your code for Samsung goes here
Since all Samsung devices will have Galaxy Store, it's adequate to have just userAgent