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How to automatically scroll down when RecyclerView is renewed

I have a RecyclerView, and I'm trying to get it to scroll down every time a new message pops up. I struggle to do so. I'm not even sure If I am doing it in the right place. I'm doing it inside of my RecyclerView adapter inside of the function onBindViewHolder(). Here is the code:

override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: TodoViewHolder, position: Int) {
    holder.itemView.apply {
        tvTitle.text = messages[position].title //here I am setting the title - the name of the person who wrote the message
        tvMessage.text = messages[position].message //here I am setting the message - the message written by the person
        rvTodos.smoothScrollToPosition(itemCount - 1) //and here, at last, I am setting the my recyclerview(rvTodos) to smoothly scrool down to the itemCount position (the size of the messages array)

override fun getItemCount(): Int {
    return messages.size


  • I was simply not updating the recyclerview in the correct place. I was attempting to update it inside of the recyclerview adapter when it actually needs to be updated inside of my activity or viewmodel - where I update the contents of my messagesArrayList! Solved by: Tendai (in the comments of the question)