In my activity I try to call a method from a class but it's not getting the right values. This is ActivityTwo:
int id = intent.getIntExtra("id", 0);
LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
View mainActivity = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_main, null);
LinearLayout eventsLayout = mainActivity.findViewById(;
Log.d("ACTIVITY_eventlayout", String.valueOf(eventsLayout)); // gives the layout perfectly
Event.RemoveSpecific(eventsLayout, id);
This is the class(Event) with the method:
public static void RemoveSpecific(LinearLayout layout, int id){
View event = layout.findViewById(id);
Log.d("INSIDE_removespecific", String.valueOf(event));// event is null
And in my MainActivity it's working fine:
LinearLayout eventsLayout = findViewById(;
View event = eventsLayout.findViewById(id);
//Log.d("MAIN_event", String.valueOf(event1)); // gives it perfectly
I also add this view in my MainActivity and use .setId(id)
to give it the right id. So my question is, why is the View in my class method null, while I pass the right LinearLayout from my activityTwo?
Where does the id come from?
I have the Event class which contains an id, name, date, & description. This class also has a static ArrayList called eventsList. Whenever the user creates a new reminder I create a new Event using my class and giving it an id as Event.eventsList().size()
(after adding it to my eventsList [so the first event id is always 1]), then I create a new View and pass the recently created Event details and use setId()
to give it an id [1]. Then in this View I have a button which has an onClickListener which passes the given View id and the LinearLayout (where the View was added) to my Event.removeSpecific()
App flow:
The user clicks a button in MainActivity to create an event, then the button click then use startActivityForResult()
with an intent to open a new Activity where the user puts in a name,description and date for the event, then I create an intent with putExtra()
methods and then use setResult(RESULT_OK, resultintent)
to send the data back to MainActivity. Now when the MainActivity gets the data back I use .getStringExtra()
to create a new Event object with the data and add it to may Event.eventsList
ArrayList, then I use the following:
LayoutInflater inflater = getLayoutInflater();
View event_Exmaple = inflater.inflate(R.layout.event_example, null);
and set the textView's with the data I got, and use event_example.setId(Event.eventsList.size())
to give it an id.
After that I add this to my LinearLayout (which I declared already in the MainActivity):
Now I mentioned that the Event class has a date field. I use that to set up an alarm with AlarmManager. With the AlarmManager I send the current Event object's data through the intent and when the user gets the notification it opens up a new Activity which gets the given Event object data (with intent.putExtra()
's) and that's the part where the user clicks on a Button. I want to remove the given Event object's View from my LinearLayout in the MainActivity XML.
well since you didn't share where the id value come from (from where the intent gets its data/how you put the values in it/where the values come from), I assumed this solution :
Resource IDs will be non-final in Android Gradle Plugin version 5.0, avoid using them in switch case statements
that means that view Ids doesn't have a stable id in some cases that you shouldn't consider them to be final.
I guess in your case when you get an id to your event view and then inflate the layout view, the inflate procedure involve changing the 'int' id value of the event view so whenever you query the old id it returns null since the event view inside the inflated layout view now has a new 'int' id value.
I don't know why it works in main activity since you didn't share full code where you get the id from.
so I guess the only solution is that you should find a way to get a fresh copy of the id after you inflate the view you want to work on in the method.
the problem is with this block of code
View mainActivity = inflater.inflate(R.layout.activity_main, null);
everytime you inflate a new layout view thinking that you have the one used by main activity back there but instead you're creating an entirely new one with new views and new Id's.
that would be why you could get the view in main activity but you can't get it from a newly inflated view.
if you need to remove this item using the id and have a static array stored in the view custom class, call a getter on the static array and remove the item from it instead of trying to remove the view itself.
a better implementation of the whole situation is to store these events in a database using room instead of the static array, that way you could delete/add/edit any event anytime with just one line of code, if you're willing to do this you can start by reading the developers documentation of room.