I am retrieving data from the Vuex Store. I first of all want to check of the array is present in the Vuex Store, after that I want to check if the noProducts object at index 0 is not present.
The reason for this is that tweakwiseSortedProducts is used for both products and a no Products boolean to react to in the front-end
tweakwiseHasProducts () {
if (this.$store.state.tweakwise?.tweakwiseSortedProducts) {
return (
this.$store.state.tweakwise.tweakwiseSortedProducts[0].noProducts ===
return false;
My front-end currently, often, returns:
this.$store.state.tweakwise.tweakwiseSortedProducts[0] is undefined
In the console.
This happens because tweakwiseSortedProducts is not undified but an empty list. You can try:
tweakwiseHasProducts () {
if (this.$store.state.tweakwise?.tweakwiseSortedProducts?.length !== 0) {
return (
this.$store.state.tweakwise.tweakwiseSortedProducts[0].noProducts ===
return false;
or just:
tweakwiseHasProducts () {
return this.$store.state.tweakwise?.tweakwiseSortedProducts[0]?.noProducts === false;
which will be false if any of this elements is undefined, or true if noProducts is really false