I have code to input the subject of an email received in Lotus Notes, and an email address.
Forward_Email "Subject text*", "email1@address.com"
Then the code looks through my inbox for Subject text
, if it finds a match it will forward that email to the email address specified.
When the subject line contains the character #
(hash) the code can not find that subject line in the inbox and drops the vbCrLf & findSubjectLike & vbCrLf & "not found in Inbox"
MsgBox as a response.
How do I get it to recognise subject lines with #
Public Sub Forward_Email(findSubjectLike As String, forwardToEmailAddresses As String)
Dim NSession As Object
Dim NMailDb As Object
Dim NViewObj As Variant
Dim NInboxView As Object
Dim NDocument As Object
Dim NUIWorkspace As Object
Dim NUIDocument As Object
Dim NFwdUIDocument As Object
Set NSession = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Set NUIWorkspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Set NMailDb = NSession.CurrentDatabase
For Each NViewObj In NMailDb.Views
If NViewObj.IsFolder And NViewObj.Name = "($Inbox)" Then
Set NInboxView = NViewObj
Exit For
End If
Set NDocument = Find_Document(NInboxView, findSubjectLike)
If Not NDocument Is Nothing Then
Set NUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.EditDocument(False, NDocument)
Set NFwdUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.CurrentDocument
NFwdUIDocument.GoToField "To"
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText forwardToEmailAddresses
NFwdUIDocument.GoToField "Body"
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText "This email was forwarded at " & Now
NFwdUIDocument.InsertText vbLf
Set NUIDocument = NUIWorkspace.CurrentDocument
Sleep 100
Loop While NUIDocument Is Nothing
MsgBox vbCrLf & findSubjectLike & vbCrLf & "not found in Inbox"
End If
Set NUIDocument = Nothing
Set NFwdUIDocument = Nothing
Set NDocument = Nothing
Set NMailDb = Nothing
Set NUIWorkspace = Nothing
Set NSession = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function Find_Document(NView As Object, findSubjectLike As String) As Object
Dim NThisDoc As Object
Dim thisSubject As String
Set Find_Document = Nothing
Set NThisDoc = NView.GetFirstDocument
While Not NThisDoc Is Nothing And Find_Document Is Nothing
thisSubject = NThisDoc.GetItemValue("Subject")(0)
If LCase(thisSubject) Like LCase(findSubjectLike) Then Set Find_Document = NThisDoc
Set NThisDoc = NView.GetNextDocument(NThisDoc)
End Function
The issue is
If LCase(thisSubject) Like LCase(findSubjectLike) Then
The Like Operator accepts pattern matching and the #
is a wildcard and stands for Any single digit (0-9).
So in If "#Subject text" Like "#Subject text" Then
it looks for a numeric digit instead of #
. So you need to replace #
by [#]
in findSubjectLike
so it maches [charlist]
Any single character in charlist.
LCase(Replace$(findSubjectLike, "#", "[#]"))
Note that you might also run into issues with ?
and *
as well as [
and ]
characters in the subject as they are special characters in the Like
operator …… and try to find exact matches then you can just switch form Like
to =
If LCase(thisSubject) = LCase(findSubjectLike) Then
… and try to find out if findSubjectLike
is part of thisSubject
then you can use the InStr function
If InStr(thisSubject, findSubjectLike) > 0 Then