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JSON_QUERY to do a "Select Many"

I have a JSON variable that looks like this (the real one is more complex):

DECLARE @myJson VARCHAR(3000) = '{
    "CustomerId": "123456",
    "Orders": [{
            "OrderId": "852",
            "OrderManifests": [{
                    "ShippedProductId": 884,
                    "ProductId": 884
                }, {
                    "ShippedProductId": 951,
                    "ProductId": 2564
        }, {
            "OrderId": "5681",
            "OrderManifests": [{
                    "ShippedProductId": 198,
                    "ProductId": 4681
                }, {
                    "ShippedProductId": 8188,
                    "ProductId": 8188
                }, {
                    "ShippedProductId": 144,
                    "ProductId": 8487

In the end, I need to know if any of the ShippedProductId values match their corresponding ProductId (in the same JSON object).

I started in by trying to get a list of all the OrderManifests. But while this will get me the array of orders:

SELECT JSON_QUERY(@myJson, '$.Orders')

I can't seem to find a way to get a list of all the OrderManifests across all the entries in the Orders array. This does not work:

SELECT JSON_QUERY(@myJson, '$.Orders.OrderManifests')

Is there a way to do a Select Many kind of query to get all the OrderManifests in the Orders array?


  • Use OPENJSON and CROSS APPLY to drill down into your objects.

    This should do it for you:

    SELECT j.CustomerId,o.OrderId, m.ShippedProductId, m.ProductId
    FROM OPENJSON(@myJson)
    WITH (
        CustomerId NVARCHAR(1000),
        Orders NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON
    ) j
    WITH (
        OrderId NVARCHAR(1000),
        OrderManifests NVARCHAR(MAX) AS JSON
    ) o
    CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(o.OrderManifests)
    WITH (
        ShippedProductId INT,
        ProductId int
    ) m
    WHERE m.ShippedProductId = m.ProductId;

    This query returns:

    CustomerId  |  OrderId  |  ShipedProductId  |  ProductId
    123456      |    852    |       884         |     884
    123456      |   5681    |      8188         |    8188