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How to pass document from JSOUP to a webview and run a script

I want to access a website with jsoup, but it has a protection that is evaluated by a script. I want to know how I can get the value of ASP.KLR

"ASP.KLR =" + toHex (slowAES.decrypt (c, 2, a, b))

When I make the Jsoup request, it returns the following code

                  "<body>\n" +
                  "     <div class=\"lds-grid\"> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div> \n" +
                  "      <div></div>\n" +
                  "     </div> \n" +
                  "     <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>\n" +
                  "     <script> function toNumbers(d) { var e = []; d.replace(/(..)/g, function (d) {   e.push(parseInt(d, 16)); }); return e; } function toHex() { for (   var d = [],     d = 1 == arguments.length && arguments[0].constructor == Array ? arguments[0] : arguments,e = \"\",f = 0;f < d.length;f++ )e += (16 > d[f] ? \"0\" : \"\") + d[f].toString(16); return e.toLowerCase(); } var a = toNumbers(\"d68d69a9a746d20032277ede658ba3ad\"), b = toNumbers(\"58c9e810e2ebcc49ae9ee28af1c6dd53\"), c = toNumbers(\"6cecb0d0211b3c563a23ae1f1b00d5a0\"); document.cookie = \"ASP.KLR=\" + toHex(slowAES.decrypt(c, 2, a, b)) + \"; expires=Session; path=/\";</script>\n" +
                  "    </body>";

That document I want to pass it to a webview and get the value, any ideas


  • You'll have to solve it. You won get that value with an httpClient. I've already done this in Flutter, just do the same in your language. Any doubt write to telegram @ernestoaqs.

    var href = AesEncrypt.getLocationHrefFromKLR(;
       var a = AesEncrypt.getAFromScriptPage(;
       var b = AesEncrypt.getBFromScriptPage(;
       var c = AesEncrypt.getCFromScriptPage(;
       var klrCookieString = AesEncrypt.getCookieKLR(a, b, c);

    The class would then be:

    class AesEncrypt {
      static final key = encrypting.Key.fromLength(32);
      static final iv = encrypting.IV.fromLength(16);
      static final encrypter = encrypting.Encrypter(AES(key, mode: AESMode.cbc));
      static int _hexToInt(String hex) {
        int val = 0;
        int len = hex.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
          int hexDigit = hex.codeUnitAt(i);
          if (hexDigit >= 48 && hexDigit <= 57) {
            val += (hexDigit - 48) * (1 << (4 * (len - 1 - i)));
          } else if (hexDigit >= 65 && hexDigit <= 70) {
            val += (hexDigit - 55) * (1 << (4 * (len - 1 - i)));
          } else if (hexDigit >= 97 && hexDigit <= 102) {
            val += (hexDigit - 87) * (1 << (4 * (len - 1 - i)));
          } else {
            throw new FormatException("Invalid hexadecimal value");
        return val;
      static toNumbers(String texto) {
        int indexInit = 0;
        int indexEnd = 2;
        List<int> arr = [];
        while (indexEnd <= texto.length) {
          arr.add(_hexToInt(texto.substring(indexInit, indexEnd)));
          indexInit += 2;
          indexEnd += 2;
        return arr;
      static getAFromScriptPage(String html) {
        String regexStringForA = r'var a = toNumbers\("([a-z0-9]+)"';
        RegExp regExpA = new RegExp(regexStringForA);
        var matchesA = regExpA.allMatches(html);
        var matchA = matchesA.elementAt(0);
      static getBFromScriptPage(String html) {
        String regexStringForB = r'b = toNumbers\("([a-z0-9]+)"';
        RegExp regExpB = new RegExp(regexStringForB);
        var matchesB = regExpB.allMatches(html);
        var matchB = matchesB.elementAt(0);
      static getCFromScriptPage(String html) {
        String regexStringForC = r'c = toNumbers\("([a-z0-9]+)"';
        RegExp regExpC = new RegExp(regexStringForC);
        var matchesC = regExpC.allMatches(html);
        var matchC = matchesC.elementAt(0);
      static getLocationHrefFromKLR(String html) {
        String regexStringForC =
            r'location.href[ ]?=[ ]?"([. ?\%\@\#\^\-_\*\=\&a-zA-Z0-9:\/\/]+)';
        RegExp regExp = new RegExp(regexStringForC);
        var matches = regExp.allMatches(html);
        var match = matches.elementAt(0);
      static getCookieKLR(aa, bb, cc) {
        var a = toNumbers(aa); // key
        var b = toNumbers(bb); // iv
        var c = toNumbers(cc); // text
        Uint8List key = Uint8List.fromList(a);
        Uint8List iv = Uint8List.fromList(b);
        Uint8List srcData = Uint8List.fromList(c);
        var crypt = AesCrypt();
        AesMode mode = AesMode.cbc;
        crypt.aesSetKeys(key, iv);
        Uint8List decryptedData = crypt.aesDecrypt(srcData);
        String result = "";
        decryptedData.forEach((element) {
          if (element.toRadixString(16).length == 1) {
            result += "0";
          result += "${element.toRadixString(16)}";
        return result;